Monthly Archives: October 2014


the last 3 weeks has been a blur, never anytime to write things down, too busy covering my head and trying to stay alive. The jihadists have set up a perimeter around Kilo Charlie and the fighting has been sporadic, they move in weird ways, its like they are not looking where they should be for us, maybe its not us they are looking for.. Ive managed to keep my ammunition level high, and picking up a few rounds here and there from the dead, I put my 06′ in a place where I can find it later and opted for the Kalishnikov  because the rounds are easier to find… more in a bit, there are shadows coming up the 14th avenue corridor that shouldnt be there.. Bravo is nervously growling…


I haven’t much time, I’ve heard radio chatter on one of the old AM freqs that these asshats having gained control of are spewing hate, they are massing in number and will descend on the remaining parts of Kilo Charlie in hours is my guess, I’ve got just enough daylight left to get to the landing strip, see if I can find some sort of transportation and get the fuck outta here.. Ive never flown an airplane, but if theres one in a hanger that will start I am going to try, got to be a way out.. new blood arriving from south city, couple young kids maybe 20 or 21, a dude about my age and some teenagers who are ready to fight.. not much sun left, cooler nights now too, fall is here and it sucks,, can’t light fires to keep warm, have to rely on old blankets and my dog to stay warm… need to move south before the snows,, need to know if there’s help coming.. need to know we’re not doing this for not…need to know what happened to my family…need to sleep


We’ve been underground for a week, no light, very little water, and very little time left.  The wounds are deep, blood soaked shirts and pants, bleeding stopped, Lilly went quickly, the rounds hit her directly in the chest, she lasted maybe 15 seconds, Bravo is a wimpering mess, he has lost his bravery I guess.. I took the form out at about 300 yards, don’t know if it was man or woman, didn’t care, the automatic weapons are going off everywhere, not sure of how many there are.. We’re in a sewer beneath 14th street, I can hear them yelling in foreign languages, not sure what language it is, I don’t recognize much more than a few words of spanish and a little german, this is definitely not one of those.. I must get to the weapons dropped by the dead, need the ammo and their guns and anything else worth taking… it’s dark, it’s freakin cold and I haven’t slept in days..  I can’t get my kids out of my mind, they’re always there,, always smiling , laughing, it’s an echo that fills my head and I can’t make it stop.. I pray that they are alive and safe….


it’s a little after midnight I think, I haven’t a time piece so I’m guessing.. it’s very quiet,, strangely quiet and I hear only the wind, no birds, no bugs, just the wind whistling its horrible melody through decaying buildings. Bravo is next to me as we sit in what was once a fast food joint of some sort, rotting cans of tomato paste punctured by flying metal debris I imagine is what caused the metal cans to look like shredded paper.  I have found more paper to write on and a pen that still works. The radio has chatter now, every now and then I hear someone pleading for help, they don’t give location, they don’t give direction, they just scream help us help us help us., they obviously know how to run a transmitter so they can’t be to helpless.. if they could figure that out, they can figure out how to fend for themselves,,, maybe it’s a trap,, maybe its the enemy looking to slaughter those that want to help…. what’s to eat here.. some stale bread, vienna sausages still ok I guess, they’re in a sealed tin so I guess we’ll be ok,, Bravo likes them for sure.. I’ve never eaten sardines but there is always a first time.. there is a light off in distance, small fire looks to be about 2 miles or less,, we’re headed that direction. I must find someone to talk to,, find out what happened, find out whats going on in th world.. find out why….



we are here.. their are english speaking people just around the corner, on top of hill, they have fire in a trash can I can make out 4 maybe 5 men, two small children, dogs.. they have weapons, but are unafraid.. I’m afraid to call out, I don’t want to be shot at again.. I need some meds,, leg wounds are starting to ooze, must find help or will die out here alone.. I miss my wife, I miss my sons, I miss america….


Life with 3 Kids

writing about daily life, motherhood and home projects

Create-a-holic Writer

Passionate about crafting, creative writing, and sharing knowledge.

celluloid blonde

the sometimes suspect musings of max adams

Don Charisma

because anything is possible with Charisma


22 years old| MA Creative Writing and Publishing student at City University| Tweet me: | Email:

The Tragic Life of Frank

Around five minutes ago I had this sudden revelation; that my life is quite sufficiently, tragic.

Foxy Wine Pocket

Me, uncensored.

Anita Rodgers Mystery Writer

The Writing Life, Books, and Things That Make Me Go, "Ah"

Damien Walter

"The universe is made of stories, not atoms."

Critical Dispatches

Reports from my somewhat unusual life

Life in the Boomer Lane

Musings of a former hula hoop champion


Some Stuff

Glory Bound Tattoo

Lees Summit, MO

The Sports Dish

An Outside the box Opinion on Sports