Monthly Archives: June 2015


I’ve not spent a lot of time with my Journal and I really should, there are so many things going on in the world and my life right now that I can’t keep up. Lots to think about in coming weeks and days, and I worry about the legacy that I haven’t yet attained for my sons. It literally scares the shit out of me..

I can’t help but comment on the recent tragedy in South Carolina

Racism is not hereditary, its taught, it’s learned, its slammed into our kids heads by their peers and ultimately their parents or guardians.

I grew up in a Navy family, that means every 3 years we moved, like it or not I had to make new friends almost constantly. I was taught by my parents that everyone is the same, no matter their skin color, we are all the same. As a boy, I made friends with anyone who would be my friend, it mattered not in the least to me what color they were, where they lived, what kind of clothes they wore, how much money they had, if they wanted to play baseball, trade shoes, bikes, sit next to me at lunch, play catch after school, build tree forts, smoke cigarettes, whatever IT DIDN”T MATTER.

We are such a PC society now that you can’t say what you feel, think or mean without offending someone.. it really is a problem that is beginning to grow…

This kid who sat in a bible study group for an hour, then stood and killed these beautiful people will die either in the gas chamber, or by the hands of his cellmates. I feel for his parents, I don’t know their background, I can’t seem to find any credible evidence of who they are anywhere, I can’t imagine anyone teaching their children to hate someone enough to take their life.

I will say this.

I am teaching my sons the way my parents taught me. Love everyone for who they are, treat everyone equal, do unto others as you would have them do unto you.. The Golden Rule ( or at least one of them), Don’t judge anyone for the color of their skin. Be kind, be sincere, be giving, compassionate and loving to all with whom you meet.

btw, A flag didn’t move this kid to massacre 9 people, he wanted to start a race war , those are his words,.. its not 1952, we’ve evolved from that horrible time in our countries history,, or have we


Lots of things to do still this summer, finish the living room remodel, create a business plan, find an SBA loan, get licensed in P&C and start thinking seriously about the future of Larson & Associates,, yes I know, catchy name.. SalChris Productions is still my freelance business, and will continue to be so.. 2.5 is starting to speak a little more clearly every day, soon he’ll be rattling non-stop superlatives at break neck speed.. or something…. 6.8 is on a mini-vacation with Mom and Gramma somewhere in the middle of Kansas, where I understand the heat is beating down mercilessly on the plains..

Goals for rest of the week, include the above business stuff and finding a way to humanely dispose of a very persistent mole who has made a mockery of my already mock-able lawn.. Writing a business plan will be my most challenging project as I’ve never attempted one, and am researching how exactly one creates a business plan, what it involves, and how many innocent plans will be strewn about in crumpled balls of frustration.

Taking the spray painted finish off some mid-century finds C got in a thrift store that we are going to redo either in stain or perhaps chalk finish for resale.. finding a way to create a neat lampshade from a wire basket that once held golf balls.

Making sure the Drake under my Peony bush has plenty of space to hatch her ducklings, we have 9 eggs under the bush and that would be really something neat to see..


Ahhh The Birthday

Milestone birthday today I guess, 55.  Or is it?.. you start to think to yourself, wow, I’m 5 years away from 60.. crap!.. I’m at odds with my career, do I start my own business? Is it too late in my life to do this?  My answer is NO its not too late and I am going to start my own business. You are as young as you feel, and that means I’m still feeling 30ish.. with a 6.8 and a 2.5 year old in my life, they force me to think younger, to know that I can do this, they drive my ambition, my outlook, my life, I have to have some legacy to leave them. God help me live to be 100, just so I can watch them thrive and grow. C starts a new chapter in her career life, working with her mom and I really believe she’ll be great at it.. Until I can get our business going, then I think I’ll need her expertise to help me grow our business. I’ve done a lot research in the last two weeks, trying to make a decision.. think I have, Go Independent, more products, less start up cost, more opportunity to serve my community and clients… I’ll share this new life adventure as it becomes more of a reality than a dream..

Life with 3 Kids

writing about daily life, motherhood and home projects

Create-a-holic Writer

Passionate about crafting, creative writing, and sharing knowledge.

celluloid blonde

the sometimes suspect musings of max adams

Don Charisma

because anything is possible with Charisma


22 years old| MA Creative Writing and Publishing student at City University| Tweet me: | Email:

The Tragic Life of Frank

Around five minutes ago I had this sudden revelation; that my life is quite sufficiently, tragic.

Foxy Wine Pocket

Me, uncensored.

Anita Rodgers Mystery Writer

The Writing Life, Books, and Things That Make Me Go, "Ah"

Damien Walter

"The universe is made of stories, not atoms."

Critical Dispatches

Reports from my somewhat unusual life

Life in the Boomer Lane

Musings of a former hula hoop champion


Some Stuff

Glory Bound Tattoo

Lees Summit, MO

The Sports Dish

An Outside the box Opinion on Sports